Sunday, December 8, 2013


先週の木曜日のはちじから じゅじじゅうごふんごろまで ムービナイトが ありました。 私は えいがを みに いきました。 あえがのなまえは 20せいきしょうねん です。 おもしろくて、にぎやかな えいが です。 だから、いいですね。

I watched 20th Century Boys last Thursday. It was an interesting movie, which follows Kenji, the main protagonist of the story, as he tries to unravel the mystery of a religious cult and its leader, 'Friend.' Eventually, he learns that the religious cult is also one of the biggest terrorist organizations of the world, and only Kenji can stop it due to his past friendship with 'Friend' during elementary school.

At first, I was a little skeptical of this movie simply because it is based on a large, and very popular, manga series. I thought it'd be too difficult to put all of the information presented in the manga into a two and a half hour long movie. However, that didn't seem to be the case with this movie, as I was surprisingly able to follow the plot of the movie without any hiccups. There were some cheesy moments in the movie that made me laugh due to the absurdity of them, such as when the time bomb, which is made of dynamite, exploded at the scale of a nuclear bomb. The story was still interesting, though. If  I have the time, I may want to check out the second or third installments of this trilogy. Does anyone know if they're on netflix, or if they'd be worth a watch?

Sunday, December 1, 2013


先週はサンクスギビングの休みでした。にぎやかで、たのしかったです。 私は うちに かえりました。 かいものに いって、 りょうりを して、 うちで ゆっくりしました。 たいてい 私のうちで うんどう します。 でも、先週 しませんでした。私は たくさん たべものを たべました。